
Large Medjool Dates


Extra Large Medjool Dates, perhaps the king of Dates, after all.

SKU: FF-12114-1 Category: Tags: , ,


The Secret is … 3 Dates a Day!

Dates are considered one of the most important sources of nutrition in every day diet.

Eat it fresh, have it for lunch, slice it up and mix it with your morning cereal, or incorporate it as a favorite ingredient for baking.  On hot summer days/nights … blend it with Vanilla Ice-cream and enjoy date shakes! So many ways to enjoy this sweet delight.

Benefits of dates include:  Boosting Heart Health, Anti-Inflammatory, Promoting Digestive Health, Relieving Constipation, Reduced Blood Pressure and Stroke Risk, Weight loss, Iron-deficiency anemia, A Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery, Preventing colon cancer, Boosting Brain Health.

Additional information

Weight N/A

11 lb, 1lb, 5 lb