
2 Lbs Sun Dried Red Bloom Hibiscus/Jamaica Petals

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $25.00.

“Be Cool” with a delicious refreshing glass of Hibiscus, also renowned in the treatment of hypertension and anxiety. Red Bloom is considered as the most valuable and best tasting Hibiscus Brand from around the World, coming from Ancient Aswan Region South of Egypt, one of the richest agriculture area cultivated for nearly 10,000 years, dry region irrigated by the “Great Nile River”. Large deep red flowers, 100% SUN DRIED, UNLIKE GENERIC TYPES FULL OF MOISTURE AND WATER.


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MORE FLAVOR, USE LESS TO PRODUCE TWICE AS MUCH JUICE. With Red Bloom brand, you only use one cup of the dry Flowers to prepare an entire gallon of Hibiscus Tea. Bring to a boil in hot water, let it simmer for few minutes, serve hot, or chill and serve cold. Delicious drink to go with any lunch or dinner meal. Best when served in clear glass or wine goblets.

Produced exclusively for Eden Tropics, large box, holding 2 lbs of premium Hibiscus (Also known as Jamaica – Karkadeh) – FREE Express shipping to all 48 lower States.

Excellent sources of nutrition in every day diet.  Use as tea for both hot or cold drinks, add honey or sugar to sweeten.  Cold Hibiscus drinks are most refreshing and a source to reduce high blood pressure.

Size – Extra Large.

 Health Benefits

The term “Be Cool” takes on a literal meaning when you enjoy a cold drink of Hibiscus. The health benefits of hibiscus tea include its ability to treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol, disturbed digestive and immune system, inflammatory problems and liver diseases, as well as cancer. It can also speed up the metabolism and help in healthy, gradual weight loss. It is rich in vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants and helps in the treatment of hypertension and anxiety.


Some Uses of Hibiscus.

Share your ideas with us how and what you use hibiscus for – send to:

Additional information

Weight 2.25 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 16 × 3 in

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